How does one sign up? Ask an usher, ask one of the fellows in the blue shirts at events, mass, etc. Or you can sign up online. Use Council 11772 when signing up online.
when are the meetings? Meetings are the 1st Thursday of the month (planning meetings) and the 3rd Thursday (business meetings). Meetings are in the basement of the SJV house.
what obligations are expected of me? Exemplification (ceremony), dues.
are there secret ceremonies or acts? the first Exemplification which consists of charity, unity, and fraternity is made public. video of this can be viewed:
After the intial exemplification you will be a 3rd degree knight! becoming a member of the 4th degree is optional.
how involved does one need to be? Besides dues, you can be as involved as you want. You can serve as one of our officers (elected) or simply join us for a meeting from time to time. There are also outings for fellowship and charity/community service opportunities. Bottom-line, you get what you put in.
What benefits are there in being a member of the k of c?
access to one of the best insurances (see
upon the passing of a 4th degree, the family will receive an engraved bible or a chalice with your name will be given to a parish in need.
being around like-minded men to share ideas, concerns, laughs, and burdens.